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Our Clients Testimonials

We've Worked With Brands

Acceptance and Signature

This RFP represents only a definition of requirements. It is merely an invitation for submission of proposals and does not legally obligate om soft solution to accept any of the submitted proposals in whole or in part, nor is om soft solution obligated to select the lowest-priced proposal. om soft solution reserves the right to negotiate with any or all firms regarding price, cost, and/or scope of services. om soft solution has no contractual obligations with any firms based upon the issuance of this RFP. It is not an offer to contract. Only the execution of a written contract shall obligate om soft solution by the terms and conditions contained in such contract.

Om Soft Solution Signature
Client Signature

DISCLAIMER: This RFP represents only a definition of requirements. It is merely an invitation for submission of proposals and does not legally obligate om soft solution to accept any of the submitted proposals in whole or in part, nor is om soft solution obligated to select the lowest-priced proposal. om soft solution reserves the right to negotiate with any or all firms regarding price, cost, and/or scope of services. om soft solution has no contractual obligations with any firms based upon the issuance of this RFP. It is not an offer to contract. Only the execution of a written contract shall obligate om soft solution by the terms and conditions contained in such contract.